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Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love.

Micah 7:18 (NLT)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Must be a Woe

Must be a Woe —
A loss or so —
To bend the eye
Best Beauty's way —

But — once aslant
It notes Delight
As difficult
As Stalactite

A Common Bliss
Were had for less —
The price — is
Even as the Grace —

Our lord — thought no
To pay — a Cross —

Emily Dickinson

Extravagance can be defined in various ways. It is a condition of excessiveness, lavishness. It is generally considered negative, the opposite of prudence:
  1.  A condition of going or being beyond what is needed, desired, or  appropriate
  2.  Excessive or imprudent expenditure
  3. Something costly and unnecessary
Extravagance - a word for this generation. Distracted by the famously extravagant, we bestow worth to egocentric lives by our attention. Our children know all their names.

Moral apathy: the extravagance of self-indulgence. People roaming about, spending rudeness, demanding attention. Road bullies, verbal polluters, noisy narcissists. No material abundance required.

'But Mary...her extravagance was spent on Someone else.  Would you "waste" a year's income worth of anything on anyone?

© Janet McDonald

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