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Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love.

Micah 7:18 (NLT)

Friday, May 6, 2011

How Do You Spell Time?

We have a strange relationship with time.  We let it drive us: :"hurry up...don't rest...onward and upward...seize the day...command your destiny...strive for perfection...don't let up...take no prisoners..."

We have words that attribute personality to time, or imply we can master time: "time-killer... time-frame...keep time...against time...ahead of time...kill time"

Yet, the elusive nature of time keeps us wondering if, somehow, we are being deprived of all we need to do all those things that are so important.  The result is a sense that we are somehow being chased into eternity.  How do you define it?

What if we lived as if we are already in eternity?  What does that look like?  Maybe like a vessel floating in the ocean, or a space station, seemingly still in the vast universe.

God is not concerned with time as we are  - it is smaller than He.  Are we then smaller than time?  How so, since we have, by choice, eternal life within us?  How short-sighted we are.  All that we "fill time" with will evaporate one day.  But what we build on His indestructible, eternal Word, transcends time.  That is how He is able to command us not to worry, but to seek peace.  He is our peace, and He is timeless.

© Janet McDonald                     

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